12 WWE GIFs That Perfectly Describe The Drama Of Our Everyday Lives

There’s no doubt about the fact that world of WWE is a topsy-turvy one. I mean, think about it. People go on from being the best of friends to sledgehammer-bashing arch rivals in weeks. One event they’re cheered, the other they’re mercilessly booed. And let’s not forget the steel chairs, the ladders, the tables and the elimination chambers. Aah… this universe is anything but boring. Just like our crazy everyday lives. Beg to differ? Well, let these outrageous gifs change your mind:

1. When you reach office and then realize that you’ve forgotten your freakin’ laptop!

2. When you hit Shift+Del and realize that maybe it was too early for that.

3. When you wake up after a really, really heavy night of drinking.

4. When you’re trying to battle constipation with all your strength.

5. When you walk into a bar and find out that happy hours are still on.

6. When you see that your colleagues have ordered pizza.

7. When Monday hits you right in the face!

8. When someone farts in a crowded metro and you of all people know who it was.

9. When you’re helping a friend move furniture in his / her apartment.

10. When someone gifts you the DVD of a really shitty movie on your birthday.

11. When someone cracks a really pathetic joke and you replay it in your head only to later realize that it’s terribly lame.

12. When you put your phone on silent and then later realize that you mom has called 12334340834 times.

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