8 Interesting Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About Your Pee

Dogs are a man's best friend? A man is a man's worst enemy? All lies! A man's worst and best friend is actually, yes, pee. Think about it. It can extract you from painfully embarrassing situations, give you extra time to 'figure out' an answer during the exam, also just automatically keeps your insides healthy. Having said that, it will also inflict a lot of discomfort when you are attending that very serious meeting, or while you are travelling or when you are all warm and snuggly inside a blanket and the movie has reached the climax. Basically it all depends on the situation, really.
If these arguments do not convince you then just trust the Romans. They had an unhealthy obsession with pee. They loved pee - not 'to pee' - just the thing itself. It was all quite bizarre.

So, we have collected a few facts about mankind's best frenemy because keep your friends close and enemies closer and all that. (Also because what was up with the Romans?!)

1. A person pees seven times on an average. If one pees more frequently or lesser than that, it is not something to really worry about.

2. An average healthy person's peeing lasts for about 7 seconds. If one feels the urgent need to pee and the peeing lasts for only 2 seconds or so, one might be suffering from an infection.

Source: Dr. Shem

3. The bladder of an adult can hold anything from 300 to 500 ml of urine.

4. The Romans gargled using their pee. The explanation is that urine contains ammonia which whitens teeth (which, if you ask me is not good enough).

5. The body only retains the essential products, the unwanted by-products leave the body as urine and stool.

6. The colour of your pee is indicative of your health. If it is clear then you are well hydrated, maybe even more than necessary; if it is pale yellow then you are hydrated enough; if dark yellow then less hydrated; If it is brown then it could be a serious liver infection; if red or pink then there is fresh blood in your urine.

Source: BuzzFeed

7. If your pee has a sweet smell then it might be indicative of diabetes.

8. But if one's pee has a foul smell then it indicates that the kidneys are probably spilling glucose or protein into the urine.

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