(Earth 2.0) The Really Amazing Aacts About Kepler-452b

  • Kepler 452b is located around 1,400 light years from Earth in the constellation of Cygnus.
  Kepler-452b is the first exo-planet found which is orbiting a similar star to our sun, known as a G2-type star, at a similar distance from its star that Earth is from the sun.

 This gives it a greater change of having the conditions, surface temperature, atmosphere, and water, that are needed for life, than any other planet ever detected in our galaxy.

It is the smallest planet yet discovered that orbits in the habitable zone around a sun-like star.

  It is 60 percent larger in diameter than Earth, so is considered a super-Earth-size planet. Its mass and composition are not yet determined, but the mass is estimated at two to five times that of Earth.

A year on 452-b is 385 days - just 20 days (5%) longer than Earth's. The planet was found by observing the tiny blip it caused against its star as it orbited around.

The planet is also 5% further away from its star, than the Earth's 92million miles to our sun, at 96,6 million miles away.

 The Kepler-452 solar system, which 452-b is in, is located 1,400 light-years away from ours in the constellation Cygnus.

  • The habitable zone, also known as the 'Goldilocks Zone', is an area around a star which has just the right temperature to allow for liquid water to exist.
  • Kepler 452b is considered the most Earth like planet yet discovered due to its size, location in its system and the type of star it orbits.
  • The star that Kepler 452b orbits is very similar to our sun.
  • Kepler 452b orbits its star at a similar distance that the Earth orbits the sun.
  • A year on Kepler 452b is only 21 days longer than a year on Earth.
  • The mass and composition of Kepler 452b are unknown at this time but its small size indicates that it is most probably a rocky planet.
  • It is thought that the force of gravity on Kepler 452b would be twice as strong as Earth's gravity.
  • The Kepler 452 system is 6 billion years old, which is 1.5 billion years older than our solar system.
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